Monday, April 12, 2010

Why "Kell On Earth" Led Me to Order a Cozy

Two weeks ago, Bravo ran the season finale of their new series "Kell on Earth," an inside look at the fashion world via PR firm People's Revolution and its founder, Kelly Cutrone. And I cried because it ended. Literally, I cried.

In eight short weeks, this show became my favorite hour of television, surpassing "Project Runway" by leaps and bounds. Whether it was Kelly's "Mama Wolf" manner, Andrew's knack for impeccable Rick Owens styling, or Stephanie's unwavering work ethic (she must be a fellow Midwesterner), each episode was funny, entertaining, and always fresh. So many reality TV programs get into a set pattern (setup, commentary, dramatic preview footage), and "Kell on Earth" never fell into that mold. Kelly Cutrone runs her business with love, know-how, and honesty, and I genuinely look up to her for what she does every day.

The program was so effective, it even impacted my spending habits!

In the final episode, Kelly and People's Rev are hired by DKNY to produce/create a short film highlighting "The Cozy," a sweater which can be worn in over a dozen ways. When you think about it, the product is sheer genius. Our economic downturn means people are seriously reconsidering every purchase they make. What better time than now to introduce a garment which is a) beautifully made, b) recognizable, and c) possibly the most versatile piece in your wardrobe?
After watching footage of the sweater (shown above) being worn all over Manhattan, I knew this was the piece for me. I ordered one in black (naturally) from the DKNY website, jumped for joy when it arrived, and instantly went onto the DKNY website to watch the video on "How to Wear The Cozy." With a bangle bracelet used as a buckle/catch, the looks become even more versatile, and last week I wore my Cozy four separate times (see below).
Kelly mentions "new media" several times in this final episode, and she clearly knows what that means: my introduction to this product didn't come from a Look Book, or newspaper article, but from its place on a television show. I saw DKNY's garment in action, and that was what sold me.

I cannot wait to see future inceptions of The Cozy and how its designers will tweak their original concept. And I cannot wait to see how People's Revolution presents it to the world in their own creative manner!

Further reading/watching:

"The Cozy" Official Video:

"Kell on Earth" Official Site:

"The Cozy" Look Book and Instructions:

Photos courtesy of and