Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Your Fashion Influences: Day-to-Day Life

While fashion and style influence can come from nearly anywhere, a great place to begin is your day-to-day life. Who--or what--in your life inspires you to try a new look or instills confidence in you? A few sample responses from Facebook...

"My boyfriend. Whenever I'm getting ready to go somewhere he always makes suggestions about my outfit, and alot of times he's right! but mainly he inspires my fashion because he makes me feel like I can wear anything and still be beautiful." (Beth B.)

"Marilyn Monroe. She is the ultimate definition of a WOMAN. Her style was absolutely flawless. She carried herself as a strong, and beautiful woman just like any woman should. Well, her and Oprah, haha. :)" (Kayla R.)

"Nature, in all it's evolving seasons, climates, elements, nuances, it's fibers, dyes and designs:)" (Laura S.)

"In my day to day life? Well, while I still had him, my cat. :) Whatever his fur wasn't on was wearable. Or Eddie Vedder." (Dave S.)

So who influences YOUR day-to-day life and style?

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't nail it down to one iconic person or thing. I'm influenced by what I see the day before - if I see a woman wearing something that I think is different or adorable, I will immediately do a mental scan of my closet for my own pieces I could use to recreate it. I love checking out the fashion blogs of others for inspiration!
