Thursday, September 3, 2009

Storefront Style #2: Loehmann's

Our Storefront Style feature #2 is overstock haven Loehmann's. As in the last S.S. post, here are the fit letters:

A= Athletic (broad shoulders, muscular build)
C= Curvy (hourglass/pear shape)
F= Full-figured (big and beautiful)
P= Petite (5'4" and under)
T= Tall (5'8" and up)

Encore Resale and the NSAR Thrift Store were the backbone of my wardrobe growing up. Compelled by necessity AND ingenuity, my mother, sister, and I would spend hours peeking at the racks of these places, unearthing truly great finds each time. The marvel really came when the cash registers rang up the totals and our grocery bag full of clothes totaled out at $75 or so. Bargains galore!

Flash forward twenty years, and I am loading my arms up with $39 DVF blouses, $79 Alice & Olivia dresses, and beautiful knit sweaters for less than $30. Loehmann's, I love you!

According to its website, " more than 87 years after opening its first off-price apparel store in Brooklyn, NY, Loehmann’s continues to distinguish itself as a preeminent, upscale, off-price specialty retailer for name brand designer fashions." For those who sometimes get overwhelmed by the never ending racks at TJ Maxx or Marshall's, Loehmann's seemed like the promised land to me!

And for the most part, it was. While shopping for a petite client, I was struck by the classic cardigan below from MICHAEL Michael Kors, complete with his signature logo belt. It was chic, perfect for the season, and a flattering shade most of us can wear. Running for $59.99, it's a deal when you think of how often we wear these cardis in Chicago.


After finding my client's pieces, I headed back downstairs and found this beautiful display, which featured a gorgeous pink and black zigzag print Alice & Olivia dress for $79 (a bargain might normally retail in the $300's). While the dress itself is short and sweet, adding the capelet topper lends a bit of modesty to the look and making it very modern and chic. After all, the rule of "Mams or Gams" should never falter. A great pick for fall, esp. if paired with opaque tights.

(A further explanation: "Mams or Gams" refers to the decision a woman makes when selecting to highlight her top ("Mams'') or bottom ("Gams)." The general rule is never reveal both at the same time, unless a swimsuit is involved. It's all a balancing act, ladies!)


Store Information

151 N. State Street
Chicago, IL 60602


  1. This looks like a great start to a new book? Have you thought about that? Simple, easy to understand and enjoyable.

  2. Jamie,

    I love your blog! It's so informative and fun to read. I'm glad business is booming!

  3. Thanks for the compliment, Stephanie!
